A triangle is used for

Which of the following mechanical devices is used to ensure that route cannot be changed while the train is on the point even after putting back the signal ?

Switch angle depends on
i) heel divergence
ii) length of tongue rail
iii) flangeway clearance
iv) throw of switch
The correct answer is

In a scissors cross-over, the crossings provided are
i) 2 obtuse angle crossings
ii) 4 obtuse angle crossings
iii) 4 acute angle crossings
iv) 6 acute angle crossings
The correct answer is

Which of the following factors govern the choice of the gauge ?
i) volume and nature of traffic
ii) speed of train
iii) physical features of the country
The correct answer is

The formation width for a railway track depends on the
i) type of gauge
ii) number of tracks to be laid side by side
iii) slope of sides of embankment or cutting
The correct answer is

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