Consider the following statements about concrete sleepers.
1. They improve the track modulus.
2. They have good scrap value.
3. They render transportation easy.
4. They maintain the gauge quite satisfactorily.
Of these statements

Consider the following statements:
Automatic signalling system results in
1. greater risk
2. higher efficiency
3. avoidance of block instruments
4. higher operating cost
Of these statements

The distance through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the switch for movement of trains is called

The type of bearing plate used in all joints and on curves to give better bearing area to the rails is

A Broad Gauge branch line takes off as a contrary flexure from a main line If the superelevation required for branch line is 10 mm and cant deficiency is 75 mm, the superelevation to be actually provided on the branch line will be

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