
Study the following statements regarding creep.
i) Creep is greater on curves than on tangent railway track
ii) Creep in new rails is more than that in old rails
iii) Creep is more on steep gradients than on level track
The correct answer is

A. Only (i)

B. (i) and (ii)

C. (ii) and (iii)

D. (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: Option B

This Question Belongs to Civil Engineering >> Railway Engineering

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Comments ( 6 )

  1. Mir Imroz
    Mir Imroz :
    3 years ago

    correct is D

  2. Xaid Khan
    Xaid Khan :
    3 years ago

    @imtiaz chowdary correct ans is 1 & 3
    creep in old is more than creep in new

  3. Arsalan Malik
    Arsalan Malik :
    3 years ago

    correct answer should be option "D" as creep does depend on slope of the track

  4. भजन कीर्तन
    भजन कीर्तन :
    3 years ago

    D correct

  5. Ozil
    Ozil :
    4 years ago

    Wrong answer !!
    Creep does depend on the slope of track.

  6. 57-16- AQIF
    57-16- AQIF :
    4 years ago

    I think answer shoukd be (iii)
    As creep dies depends on slope :)

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