
In a B.G. railway track, the specified ruling gradent is 1 in 250. The horizontal curve of 3° on a gradient of 1 in 250 will have the permissible gradient of

A. 1 in 257

B. 1 in 357

C. 1 in 457

D. 1 in 512

Answer: Option B

This Question Belongs to Civil Engineering >> Railway Engineering

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Bonjamo Kithan
    Bonjamo Kithan :
    4 years ago

    Ruling Gradient = 1/250 = 0.4℅
    Grade compensation for BG = 0.04% per curve =0.04*3 = 0.12%
    Permissible gradient = 0.4 - 0.12 = 0.28% = 1/357

  2. Shâh Xûbí
    Shâh Xûbí :
    4 years ago

    For BG grade compensation =min of (70/r or .04 per) therefore GC=.12 ,per gradient =.4-.12 which is Equal to 1 in 357 ,also 1in 250 = .4.

  3. Adinath Patil
    Adinath Patil :
    6 years ago

    explain how ?

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