Greek prefix Anti and a lot of words derived from it

Anti is an Ittu Sa root word which forms the source to a huge number of other compound words formed using it as their Prefix.

This article on Anti would help you understand the meaning of the word as well as the impact that it has when combined with other words.

Consequently, your brain would be trained and capable of bringing out the meaning of such compound words by splitting them into parts. For eg. Anticorruption when split into Anti + Corruption would make it easier to comprehend the meaning of the word.


Learn these words beginning with the power prefix "ANTI" meaning 'against', 'in opposition to', or, 'opposite of'. While being used in the formation of compound words, this prefix can be used freely with elements of any origin (antifreeze, antibody, antiknock.)

1. Antithesis: exact opposite.

"It was the antithesis of good journalism."

2. Antipathy: a feeling of intense dislike.

"With eyes lowered in antipathy, he seemed to avoid her gaze."

3. Antibiotic: a substance used to kill microorganisms and cure infections.

"The victim shall be given antibiotics for two weeks to avoid risk of infection."

4. Anticlimax: a disappointing decline after a previous rise.

"The share market showcased an anticlimax on Monday morning opening."

5. Antidote: a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison.

"Antidotes are the first aid for snake bites.

6. Antiseptic: thoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms.

"One should wash his/her mouth using antiseptic mouth wash once daily."

7. Antisocial: harmful to society or shunning contact with others.

"Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an antisocial habit."

"Being an antisocial kind of person, her mother always avoided going to parties."

8. Antihero: a protagonist who does not act brave or morally good.

"For surviving in today’s world, one should have both the features of heroes as well as antiheroes."

9. Anti-inflammatory: a medicine intended to reduce swelling.

"The doctor advised the cricketer to take anti-inflammatory pills."

10. Antibromic: Deodorant.

"Next time when you go to the shop for buying deodorants, ask for antibromic."

11. Antifreeze: A substance which slows up the process of freezing.

"Dad always puts antifreeze in the car before the winter chill sets in.

12. Antipodes: parts of the world which are opposite to each other.

"The Nature Fair exhibited plants from the Antipodes, including eucalyptuses and acacias."

13. Antiaircraft: artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes.

"During World War II, antiaircraft weapons were used against enemy planes."

14. Antiquity: an artifact surviving from the past.

"Lisa has a huge collection of antiquity at her home."

15. Antivirus: helps to prevent or get rid of viruses from software.

"These days antivirus come preloaded in all devices."

Hope after reading this article, these words would no longer be 'anti' to your vocabulary!

Learn and understand a root word AMPHI and plenty of English words derived from it.

This article has been shared by Priti Saraf. Though a CA by profession, teaching is her passion. She suggests this joyful way of building English Grammar and wherein one cam simultaneously learn their practical use as well.

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